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For Low Cost Car Insurance


Saving Money On Car Insurance With GoAuto Insurance

How To Save Money On Car Insurance With GoAuto Insurance - An image of a piggy bank.

At GoAuto Insurance, selling car insurance is not only a profession, but it is our way of making a difference in the lives of Louisiana residents. Making it possible for people to afford the mandatory expense of car insurance makes our jobs meaningful.

Most people do not have the “perfect circumstances” that many insurance companies require to get affordable rates. Therefore we keep our overhead to a minimum so that we can offer our customers the lowest rates possible, while also being empathetic towards imperfect circumstances.

GoAuto Insurance Chief Operating Officer, Brad Scharf, has provided five ways for you to save on your car insurance with GoAuto Insurance.

  1. Renew your policy on time. Lapses increase your rate.
  2. Don’t make insignificant claims. Claims for small payouts end up costing you more money in the long run.
  3. Don’t let the “Phantom Driver” increase your rate. Tell us who drives the other vehicle(s) you have insured with us. It is cheaper to insure the actual driver, than to have no driver listed for your additional vehicle.
  4. Drive safely, and don’t drink or text while driving.
  5. Keep buying with GoAuto Insurance. We only sell car insurance. We can’t inflate your policy with add-ons and our agents do not make commision; this allows our friendly sales agents to focus on getting you the coverage you need at a price you can afford.

Thanks for choosing GoAuto Insurance!

For low cost car insurance
