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Five Ways to Prevent Car Theft

Five Ways to Prevent Car Theft - An image of cars lined up in a parking lot.

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau’s Hot Spots Report, vehicle thefts have skyrocketed in most of the United States with a reported 932,329 vehicles stolen in 2021. This is a 6% increase from 2020 and a 17% increase since 2019.

Car thieves have gotten increasingly more savvy. They’re learning to use smart keys to steal vehicles and switching vehicle numbers to avoid detection. So, with all these statistics and increasing thefts, how can you protect yourself from becoming one of these victims?

Here are five ways to keep you and your car safe.

1. Always Lock Your Doors:

Whenever exiting your car, always take your keys with you. Remember to check your doors to confirm that they’re locked. Never leave your keys in the ignition with the car running, as this is the easiest way for a thief to swipe your vehicle. Leaving your car unattended or unlocked, especially with a running vehicle, even just a short errand into the store, will be an easy target for a thief.

While some people leave spare keys in their glove box or hide them in their car in case they get locked out, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends not to do this, as thieves know all the hiding spots where these extra keys are stashed. While locking yourself out of your car is never enjoyable, having your car stolen is significantly worse.

2. Close Your Windows & Park in Brightly Lit Areas:

Keep your windows completely closed when you’re not in your car. An easy way for a thief to access your car is simply to reach in through an open window and either steal your valuables or by unlocking the door to gain entry into your vehicle and all your possessions. When parking, avoid dimly lit areas or places that aren’t easily seen by other passers-by. A good rule of thumb is to park in a highly trafficked area that is brightly lit, as thieves may be deterred knowing that they’re more visible.

3. Install Alarm system & Anti-Theft Technology

If your car doesn’t come with an alarm system, the NHTSA recommends installing an audible sound system. If someone attempts to get into your car, this alarm will emit a loud sound, usually a car horn, that will alert the owner of the vehicle. Devices like steering wheel locks and alarm systems with flashing lights may also let the thief know that they aren’t going to be getting away easily. These deterrents will usually make a thief avoid your car altogether.

4. Don’t Leave Valuables in Your Car

One of the main ways to attract a thief is by leaving your valuables, like a purse or cell phone, in plain sight. It’s best to either leave valuables at home or take them with you when you’re leaving your car. If you can’t carry these items in, you can also put them in the back of your trunk where they’re stashed away and not visible to the general onlooker.

5. Be Alert

If you’re nervous about your safety because people are loitering around the parking lot, it’s best to park somewhere else. Always be on the lookout and aware of your surroundings when you park your car. Don’t forget to double-check that your windows and doors are all closed before leaving your vehicle.

Keep Your Car Insured:

You can also stay prepared against accidents or theft by having GoAuto Insurance. At GoAuto Insurance, we only sell car insurance and help you find flexible payment options that fit into your budget. Call us today at 833-700-0000 or get a quote online.

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