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Does Car Insurance Cover Hail Storm Damage?

Does Car Insurance Cover Hail Storm Damage - An image of a car damaged by hail.

Hail can cause substantial damage to your car. Given the cost of repairing hail damage, it’s not surprising that a common question we get from drivers is, “Does car insurance cover hail storm damage?” 

The short answer is it depends on the coverage you have. Here’s a look at what type of policy covers hail damage and how drivers can make sure they’re protected from hail damage. 

For specific questions about coverage in your state or to get a free car insurance quote, contact GoAuto Insurance

What Type of Damage Does Hail Cause? 

Hailstones are hard balls or clumps of ice that fall during storms. A hailstorm involves hailstones ranging in size from a pea to a baseball. Larger hailstones are particularly damaging to cars and can cause significant damage. 

Common damage from hail includes: 

  • Dents in the hood, roof, or side
  • Cracks, chips, or shattering of the windshield
  • Cracks or chips to the windows 
  • Paint damage

What Type of Car Insurance Covers Hail Damage? 

Comprehensive coverage protects against non-collision-related events outside of the owner’s control. Comprehensive coverage is a type of car insurance that covers events outside of the car owner’s control that are not caused by a collision. For example: 

  • Weather-related events
  • Vandalism 
  • Damage caused by animals 
  • Fire damage 

Comprehensive coverage is not required by state law, but many lenders require drivers to carry it. Regardless of whether it’s required, if you live in a state where hail storms are common, it’s a good idea to purchase comprehensive insurance. 

Without comprehensive coverage, your insurance won’t cover damage from hail. All drivers should ask their insurance company about the cost of comprehensive insurance and how much it will add to their premiums. It’s usually worth the additional cost to ensure that you’re protected against natural disasters and weather-related damage. 

Other Common Questions About Hail Damage

Beyond understanding whether hail damage is covered by insurance, drivers have lots of questions about damage from hail storms. Here are answers to some of the questions we get the most. If your question isn’t answered here, feel free to contact our team. We work directly with drivers to make sure they understand their coverage and have the protection they need. 

  • When should I file a claim for hail damage? Drivers should file a claim as soon as possible after their vehicle is damaged by hail. If time passes between when the damage is incurred and when your claim is filed, it can create confusion. To ensure all damage is covered, it’s best to file a claim immediately following the damage. 
  • How much does it cost to repair hail damage to a car? The cost to repair hail damage varies significantly based on the type and amount of damage. That said, the average cost of repairs for moderate hail damage is around $2,500. 
  • How can I prevent hail damage? The best way to protect your car from hail damage is to park in a garage or covered area. If that’s not possible, you can cover your car with blankets during a bad storm. If you know a storm is coming, you can park your car in a public garage – for example, a mall parking lot – and wait out the storm. 
  • Will my insurance premium go up if I file a claim for hail damage? Not necessarily. Comprehensive claims generally don’t cause a significant increase in your premium. Because comprehensive claims are for damage outside of the driver’s control, they have less of an impact on rates than claims where the driver is at-fault for a collision. 

Contact GoAuto Insurance to Learn More 

If you’re shopping for car insurance or thinking about switching car insurance carriers, contact GoAuto Insurance. We’ll work closely with you to design a policy that fits your coverage needs. The right policy will include your state’s minimum requirements, your lender’s requirements, and the coverage required to meet your unique needs. 

When creating your policy, we’ll discuss the risk of hail storms in your area and any other weather-related concerns you have. Give us a call or reach out to us online for a free quote.  

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