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What Questions Do Car Insurance Companies Ask After an Accident?

A car insurance adjustor assessing a vehicle's post-accident damage. This image is for the blog, "what questions do car insurance companies ask after an accident".

After a car accident, drivers should report the incident to their insurance company. When they do this, the insurance company will begin investigating the accident. As part of this investigation, the insurance company will ask the parties involved questions about the crash.  The insurance company or the at-fault party’s insurance provider could ask these questions, […]

Car Insurance Questions and Answers

A man looking on his phone, next to a car, about car insurance questions and answers.

Most drivers have lots of questions about car insurance. If you need auto insurance for the first time or want to change your insurance provider, it’s hard to know where to start.  To help you begin the process of purchasing car insurance, here are some common car insurance questions and answers. For additional questions or […]

Questions to Ask an Insurance Adjuster After a Car Accident

Questions to Ask an Insurance Adjuster After a Car Accident - An image of a car insurance adjuster evaluating an accident.

Car accidents are stressful and can be traumatic events. Drivers have to deal with many issues after an accident, and the process can be overwhelming. One common source of angst for drivers is what questions to ask an insurance adjuster after a car accident.  Knowing what to do after an accident can help things go […]

Pedestrian Safety Tips

As the new school year begins, it’s important to remember that pedestrian safety is everyone’s responsibility. While driving, it’s natural to focus on other vehicles, but it’s equally important to be aware of pedestrians, especially in areas with heavy foot traffic. Consider the following tips to help ensure the safety of pedestrians. Avoid Distractions Maintaining […]

Does Car Insurance Cover Vandalism? 

Does Car Insurance Cover Vandalism? An image of a man vandalizing a car by scratching it with a tool.

Car vandalism is becoming more prevalent and is a common concern for drivers. One of the most frequently asked questions we get from drivers is: does car insurance cover vandalism?  The short answer is yes. Most drivers have comprehensive coverage that protects them from vandalism and theft. To help drivers ensure they’re protected, here’s a […]

How Long Does It Take to Get Car Insurance?

Many situations cause drivers to need car insurance quickly. The good news for drivers is that car insurance doesn’t take long to get. For most drivers, it only takes a few minutes and the policy will go into effect the same day.  Here’s what you need to know about how long it takes to get […]

Car Insurance Policy Review

In need of a Car Insurance Policy Review? Check out our guide to learn more about what you should look for. Image description: An image of a man reviewing car insurance policy details.

Drivers should do a car insurance policy review at least once a year. This is a good way for drivers to ensure they have the coverage they need and they’re not overpaying for auto insurance.  To help with this process, here are tips for your auto insurance policy review. Contact GoAuto Insurance with questions or […]

Liability vs. Collision Coverage 

Liability vs Collision Coverage - an image of a woman checking her car after an accident.

Drivers need to understand their auto insurance to ensure they have the coverage they need. One of the questions we get the most from drivers is, What’s the difference between liability insurance and collision coverage?  To help answer that question, here’s an overview of liability insurance and collision insurance. For more questions or to get […]

What to Look for When Shopping for Car Insurance Quotes

what to look for when shopping for car insurance quotes - An image of a car insurance agent holding a toy car, representing a protected / insured vehicle.

Comparing car insurance quotes is a great way to minimize insurance costs and ensure you have the coverage you need. In fact, experts recommend shopping for car insurance annually to compare quotes and discounts.  The process of shopping for auto insurance can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips to […]

When Is a Car Considered Totaled? 

when is a car considered totaled? - An image of a woman taking a picture of a damaged car from a car accident.

If you’re involved in a major car accident, your vehicle will probably need significant repairs. In many instances, car insurance companies declare that vehicles are totaled.  Determining when a car is totaled and what it means for drivers are a common source of confusion. Here’s an overview of when cars are considered totaled and what […]