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For Low Cost Car Insurance


What Questions Do Car Insurance Companies Ask After an Accident?

A car insurance adjustor assessing a vehicle's post-accident damage. This image is for the blog, "what questions do car insurance companies ask after an accident".

After a car accident, drivers should report the incident to their insurance company. When they do this, the insurance company will begin investigating the accident. As part of this investigation, the insurance company will ask the parties involved questions about the crash.  The insurance company or the at-fault party’s insurance provider could ask these questions, […]

Car Insurance Questions and Answers

A man looking on his phone, next to a car, about car insurance questions and answers.

Most drivers have lots of questions about car insurance. If you need auto insurance for the first time or want to change your insurance provider, it’s hard to know where to start.  To help you begin the process of purchasing car insurance, here are some common car insurance questions and answers. For additional questions or […]